Sound Sculptor II is a commercial quality sound editor with overdubbing capabilities. It plays 8 tracks of stereo sound with precise control of volume and pan. It records sounds in mono or stereo with input gain control. The multi track mixer has level meters and controls for solo, mute, boost, volume, pan, and pan delay for each track. A variable speed shuttle rewinds and fast forwards up to 32 times faster or slower. Some of it's effects include chorus, distortion, echo, equalizer, filter, flange, oscillator, resample, reverb, reverse, slow tempo, tone generator, fade in and fade out. It has envelopes and LFOs for amplitude, pitch, resonant filter and more (envelopes are for controlling effects over time, LFO's are for vibrato and tremolo effects). It also has pencil, line and eraser sound drawing tools. Opens and saves in AIFF, System 7, WAVE, Sound Designer II, and SoundEdit files. Registration is required to save sounds ($30.00 or $10.00 upgrade from version 1.x.x). It requires System 7, Sound Manager 3.0, and at least a 68020 or a Power Mac. It is RAM based and is not compatible with RAM Doubler or virtual memory. Includes online Help, tutorial and sample sounds.
Changes for 2.4.1
Made it OS 8.6 compatible.
A few minor bug fixes and changes.
When the Help window is active (command-?), any menu or button you select displays help for that item instead of invoking a command. The three popup menus at the bottom of the window are the horizontal scale menu, the envelope menu (shown when in envelope mode), and the miscellaneous Help menu. A good place to start learning how to use Sound Sculptor II is "Glossary" and "Keys" in the Misc. menu.
Questions & Answers
Q. How do you select more than one track?
A. Hold down the option key while clicking on a track.
Q. How do you play a loop?
A. Hold down the option key while selecting play.
Q. How do you overdub?
A. Hold down the option key while selecting record.
Q. Why does the sound distort when recording?
A. Some Macs do not properly clip sounds that are too loud. Try turning down the input gain.
Q. Why does the speaker squeal when recording with Play Through Speaker on?
A. The mic is picking up sound from the speakers causing a feedback loop. Move the mic from the speaker or turn down the Play Through volume with the speaker volume control (it controls Play Through volume when recording).
Q. Why do the effects make 8 bit sounds so noisy?
A. Because there is not enough resolution in 8 bit sounds. Resample the sound to 16 bit, add the effect, then Resample back to 8 bit.
Q. Why does it sound choppy when playing sounds?
A. The sample rate is probably is too high for your computer. Try turning off the mixer, stereo, linear interpolation, pan delay or muting some of the tracks.
Q. How do you increase recording time?
A. Give it more memory in the Finder with "Get Info". Leave at least 50k free for the System.
Q. Why can't I edit or record sounds?
A. At least one track must be selected.
Q. Why does the computer "freeze" when memory gets low?
A. Most likely it's moving memory, which is SLOW when there is little free RAM.
System Requirements
Sound Sculptor II requires System 7, Sound Manager 3.0 and at least a 68020 or a Power Mac. To see what version of the Sound Manager you have, look in the lower right corner of the About Box. You can get the Sound Manager 3.1 extension from most online services (AOL, Compuserve, etc.).
File Formats
AIFF: 8 or 16 bit with 1 to 8 tracks non-compressed.
System 7: 8 or 16 bit with 1 or 2 tracks non-compressed.
WAVE (RIFF): 8 or 16 bit with 1 to 8 tracks non-compressed.
Sound Designer II: 8 or 16 bit with 1 to 8 tracks non-compressed.
Sound Edit: 8 bit with 1 or 2 tracks non-compressed.
Registration Info
Sound Sculptor II is $30.00. If you are a registered user of Sound Sculptor 1.x.x you can upgrade for $10.00. Foreign orders send an International Postal Money Order or U.S. dollars. If you send cash make sure you can't see it through the envelope (The author is not responsible for any funds lost in the mail). A password will be sent that enables the save command. The password is for one user only.
Jeff Smith
PMB 27
205 De Anza Blvd.
San Mateo, CA 94402-3989
You can get the latest version of Sound Sculptor II from:
License Agreement
Distribution of the password in any form is prohibited.
The author does not grant permission to distribute the software for profit in any form. Permission is not required for non-profit distribution of the software providing that the software and accompanying files are not modified in any way.
This software is provided on an “as is” basis and the author makes no warranties, expressed or implied. In no event shall the author be liable for any consequential, indirect or special damages, (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information and the like) arising out of the use or inability to use this software, even if the author has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
Version History
2.4 - 10/22/98 - New Features.
Fixed overdub sync problem (most Macs).
Added Sound Input device list in Sound In Prefs.
Added tube type Distortion.
Added Tone Generator using additive synthesis.
Oscillator and LFO works with 16 bit waveforms.
Oscillator has amplitude control and better pitch control.
Fixed Windows WAVE file bug.
Fixed Performa stereo recording bug.
A few minor bug fixes and changes.
2.3.1 - 2/18/98 - Minor bug fix.
Fixed line-in recording bug with OS 8.1.
2.3 - 12/25/97 - New Features.
Resonant filter envelopes and LFOs (low pass, high pass, band pass, notch).
Added WAVE file support (RIFF).
Temp files are now kept on the same hard drive volume as Sound Sculptor II.
A few minor bug fixes and changes.
2.2 - 8/28/96 - New Features.
Native PPC Play Routine - plays 8 stereo tracks up to 65kHz.
Native PPC Effects - 5 to 6 times faster.
Reverb - improved algorithm adds less noise.
Shuttle - gradually changes speed. The range is controlled by the Rewind and Fast Forward prefs.
Sound Designer II files - now saves the loop points.
SoundEdit files - now saves at any sample rate by adjusting the play frequency.
A few minor bug fixes and changes.
2.1 - 5/01/96 - New Features.
Overdubbing - record tracks while listening to others.
Equalizer - boost or cut frequencies up to 20dB.
Reverb - all new and it even sounds like a reverb.
Slow Tempo - slow the speed without changing the pitch.
Smooth - remove the rough edges from a sound.
Pan Delay - delay the left or right channel for surround sound or echo effects.
Track Bouncing - mixdown only selected tracks.
Track Offset Tool - shift the track horizontally or vertically.
The maximum number of tracks is now 8.
Play routine is approximately 25% faster.
Now will run from CD-ROM.
A few minor bug fixes and changes.
2.0.1 - 10/22/95 - Minor bug fixes and changes.
Fixed play through speaker while recording bug.
Fixed recording past track length bug.
Fixed recording Prefs default settings bug.
Fixed low memory copy and pasted bug.
Fixed Show/Hide controls bug.
Fixed Mix Down bug when the Shuttle was locked on.
Fixed Mix Down Handle locking bug.
Fixed Mix Down play volume bug.
System 7 sounds now have a creator of 'movr'.
A few other minor changes.
2.0 - 8/16/95 - Major rewrite.
1.1.1 - 9/12/94 - Minor bug fixes and changes.
1.0.2 - 8/27/94 - Minor bug fixes.
1.0.1 - 8/13/94 - Minor bug fixes.
1.0 - 8/04/94 - First released.
WARNING! If this program is modified it will not run.